ACT Test Dates
SAT Test Dates
PSAT Test Dates
Check with your
High School
Tips for Test-takers
Register early to get the test center of your choice.
There are also “late” deadlines for registering . Plan to pay more, the later you register.
Try to take the tests at least twice your junior year and save one for Fall of your senior year, just in case.
You may take the ACT and SAT without colleges ever seeing the score. You can send just the one you like.
Every college in the country accepts either ACT or SAT. No college prefers one over the other, and that includes colleges in the state of Michigan.
Some test dates allow you to order a copy of the questions and answers for that test. They mail it to you after you get your results. This is a great way to study for any subsequent tests you take.
Don’t ignore physical preparation. These tests are nearly 4 hours long - you need to be awake and healthy!
Converting SAT to ACT
This is a rough estimate.
Note: SAT scores are determined by adding one’s Math and Reading/Writing scores. ACT scores are determined by finding the average of the English, Math, Reading, and Science tests. For some reason most colleges do not use the essay scores for admissions. This may change over time, so check. Some schools allow students to "superscore" - that is, to mix and match scores from various test dates.
900 SAT = 17 ACT
1000 SAT = 19 ACT
1100 SAT = 22 ACT
1200 SAT = 25 ACT
1300 SAT = 27 ACT
1400 SAT = 30 ACT
1500 SAT = 33 ACT
1600 SAT = 36 ACT
A note about essays: On both the SAT and ACT the essay is a separate score and does not factor into your composite score.
Phone Resources
ACT: 319-337-1270
SAT: 609-771-7600
AP: 888-225-5427
Admissions Offices:
U of M: 734-764-7433
MSU: 517-355-8332
Grand Valley State: 800-748-0246
Harvard University: 617-495-1551
Yale University: 203-432-9316
Internet Resources
The official web site of the ACT. This where you can register for the test and try some free practice questions
The official site of the SAT and PSAT. Register for the SAT and try some practice questions.
This site has everything you need to know about the MME exam that most juniors take in March of 11th grade.
Information about colleges, scholarships, and admissions. The site also has great forums discussing the SAT and ACT.
The common application for college admissions can be downloaded here
Information on colleges
Information about federal student aid such as stafford loans and pell grants

The Official SAT Study Guide
This book is written by College Board, the authors of the real SAT. It contains ten SAT tests (2 real and 8 pieced together from old SATs). It’s the closest you can get to taking “real” SATs.
The Official ACT Prep Guide
This book is written by the makers of the ACT. It contains three retired ACTs as well as very thorough explanations.
Get both at Amazon. Or, take our class. We use them too!
College Fairs
College Fairs are a great way to learn about particular colleges and the college admissions process.
Lists national college fairs in the metro Detroit area. Also explains what goes on at a college fair and what to know before you attend one.
Check with your high school counseling office. Some high schools have their own college fairs while others may have individual college admissions officers visit the school on a particular day.
ACT & SAT scoring information:
ACT consists of four scores + essay
English (1-36)
Math (1-36)
Reading (1-36)
Science (1-36)
Essay (2-12)
Composite score is the average of the English, Math, Reading, and Science scores
(21 is about national avg.)
SAT consists of two scores + essay
Evidence-Based Reading & Writing (200-800)
Math (200-800)
Essay (2-8) is separate from composite score.
Composite score is the sum of the Math and Reading/Writing scores.
(1000 is about national average)